You will next find our SUPPORT RESOURCES to help relieve the acute stress associated to the crisis caused by the COVID-19.
These 19 RESOURCES are intervention proposals that aim to provide a solution for the detected needs. For each need, a number of recommendations are offered.
By clicking on the icon, you will access the resource of interest.
NEED 01. Updated understandable information (nature of the virus and current spread, general situation of the centre beyond COVID-19).
- What can we do?
RESOURCE 01. Information on achievements and actions taken.
RESOURCE 02. Involve professionals in audio-visual messages to broadcast information on guidelines (e.g., safe removal PPE).
NEED 02. Information on human resources, PPE and available healthcare equipment.
- What can we do?
RESOURCE 03. Daily news on the situation of the centre.
NEED 03. Perception of coordination, unity of criteria, normalization.
- What can we do?
NEED 04. Offer safety to the newly joined professionals and to those transferred to other services after an express training.
- What can we do?
NEED 05. Relief and emotional support to overflowed staff.
- What can we do?
RESOURCE 09. Self-report measure of acute stress.
RESOURCE 10. Awareness on the need to face affective response and accept support.
RESOURCE 11. Mental health hotline for health professionals and support by specialized personnel.
RESOURCE 12. Momentary work recovery (short breaks).
NEED 06. Relief and emotional support to services and units under extreme stress
- What can we do?
RESOURCE 13. Defusing (face-to-face or remotely) – Get rid of all emotional overload before the end of the workday to avoid taking it home and recover strength for the next shift.
NEED 07. Recover the professionals with doubts and fears.
- What can we do?
RESOURCE 14. Referral to individual counselling to help overcome acute stress reactions.
RESOURCE 15. Set up rest areas for the recovery of the professionals before the end of the shift.
NEED 08. Professionals confined to their homes with feelings of impotence for the situation their colleagues are going through.
- What can we do?
RESOURCE 16. Maintain contact and inform about the situation in the centre. Long-distance institutional accompaniment. Facilitate reincorporation.
- What can we do?