The large number of health professionals in home isolation drastically reduces the possibility of facing the pandemic.

Their replacement by new professionals, in occasions with no professional background in this speciality, increases the pressure on those who are fighting the battle against the coronavirus, as not only they have had to respond to the healthcare pressure but also train the new hires.

Health workers in isolation frequently feel frustrated for not been able to stand beside their colleagues at this moment.

The LINE project contemplates the possibility of these professionals to provide online training, act as tutors to new hires, and thus help their colleagues face this difficult situation.
In the proposal, when a new employee is hired, the teaching unit of the centre will assign a tutor (in home isolation), whom the newly hired professional will be able to contact through WhatsApp (texts, voice messages or video calls) in case of doubt. The unit could also organize training pills on specific topics these new hires might need for performing their job correctly (self-protection measures, organization topics, etc.).

WhatsApp instant messaging system was chosen because of its great popularity among the population. When consulted about an issue related with his/her speciality, the tutor will be able to directly provide an answer or otherwise consult other professionals in a similar situation before helping his/her assigned trainee. The professional in home isolation may also provide accompaniment to help face the responsibility the new hire has, as well as mitigate the emotional load associated to current healthcare tasks.

The LINE project proposes Whatsapp as the possible platform for the mentoring.

LINE project. (Spanish version)

Additionally, a series of “fast” online resources are also presented, termed this way because they are easy to use and install. The resources may be used by the instructors in home isolation to facilitate their communication with the support staff, i.e., video calls, virtual meetings, or real time file-sharing options. The list of tools includes different apps for any mobile device, smartphone or PC. The following infographic details additional resources that can been used for tutoring from home isolation.